God is at work in Mexico!

God is at work in Mexico!


An “inmate” gives an account of the 1 Page A Day program and the impact it is having on his life.


Jeff and Susan Lamb along with Brian and Chris McPike spent a week in Ensenada in May. We were accompanied by our interpreter, Karell.

We worked alongside our local 1 Page a Day ministry team to visit 19 rehabilitation centers in just 4 days. There is a set schedule each week so the rehabs know what time we will be there. We are given a 1-to-2-hour time frame at each place. The rehabs are locked down facilities; typically passing through three sets of locked doors before arriving at the meeting area. Those inmates that have no “infractions” are allowed to attend our service. It’s a mixed group of 15 to 35 people at each place; some are eager to participate, some come because it’s a better option than staying in the bunkroom, and some are angry and don’t want to be there. No one is forced to attend, but God has the power to plant seeds in the hardest soil and the toughest hearts.

Our time with the inmates includes worship music, conversation, prayer, and a focused time of teaching. The curriculum is a blend of evangelism and training on how to have a personal relationship with Christ and live a Christ-centered life. This is good news to most inmates. They are very confused about who Christ is and what He wants for them. The traditional culture blended with their backgrounds of family dysfunction and addiction has distorted their understanding of the Truth.

It is the truth that can finally set them free, John 8:32.

Welcome to 1 Page A Day

Welcome to 1 Page A Day

Welcome to 1 Page A Day! God has led us to begin a new ministry that has grown from our long term partnerships in Ensenada, Mexico.

“Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.”

Romans 10:17 – NASB


Jeff talks about how 1 Page A Day Began


Reading just “1 page a day” of the Word of Christ will reveal God’s truth and enhance the process of producing faith in the heart.

There are rehab centers on every corner in Ensenada, Mexico. The residents are called inmates. It would be a mistake to picture an American rehabilitation center. The environment is a building with concrete walls and floors, rows of bunk beds in tight quarters in a locked-down facility surrounded by a barb wire fence. The inmates come from drug and alcohol addictions, criminal and violent behavior and broken families. In most cases, this is the last stop before a Mexican prison. Most feel trapped in the lifestyle and don’t know how to escape. These men and women, aged 12 – 65, are mostly a forgotten people. They will stay in the rehab for 3- 6 months, then return to the world they knew before. How many will turn their life around?

Jeff Lamb’s personal testimony of God’s redemption has much in common with the rehab center inmates. Several years ago, God began leading Jeff into a ministry of evangelism in prisons and rehab centers, both locally and in Mexico. God blessed Jeff with the ability to connect with inmates – they want to hear the truth and they want a new life. The evangelism was effective – hundreds have accepted Christ. However, it became obvious that more was needed. These new believers, from vastly different backgrounds, needed to be discipled and learn the basics of the Christian life.

We started this ministry in Fall 2020 with nine rehab centers. By the time the first course was complete, God brought an additional 11 rehabs. God was moving much faster than we had ever expected. Within 6 months of beginning, we are reaching 800 people per week with discipleship training. There are 15 more rehabs on the waiting list, but we don’t yet have the resources to accommodate them. Two 11-week courses have been completed and the results are WOW. God is at work, leading the way and it’s our job to follow Him.


Maria, one of the Rehab Center directors, became interested in the material that was being taught to the inmates. She started attending and God began to do work in her. She accepted Christ as her Savior and soon began attending a local church and bringing some of the inmates with her.