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God is leading the way.
It’s our job to follow him.

Meet Our Team

Our ministry team is a partnership between volunteers that live in the USA and others that live in Mexico. Our Mexico team members are respected as spiritual leaders in their communities. This has allowed for a bridge of receptivity to easily be formed between the inmates and our 1 Page A Day ministry team.

Our USA Team

Our USA team members are responsible for the overall direction of this ministry. This includes raising support and handling administrative tasks. Jeff Lamb leads our team in the area of evangelism by regularly visiting rehab centers to share the Gospel.

Jeff & Susan

Chris & Brian

Terry & Rhonda

Our Mexico Team

The Mexico team develops and implements the Christ-centered programming for the rehab centers that is specifically-designed to help inmates with the life struggles and spiritual issues that are common to them.

Show Your Support

We need your help to reach as many rehab centers as possible in Mexico. To accomplish this, we rely on donor giving.
Your giving supports expenses related to travel, curriculum & teaching and ongoing inmate support after they leave the rehab centers.
Whether you provide a one-time gift or ongoing monthly support, we greatly appreciate your generosity.

We need your help to reach as many rehab centers as possible in Mexico. To accomplish this, we rely on donor giving. Your giving supports expenses related to travel, curriculum & teaching and ongoing inmate support after they leave the rehab centers. Whether you provide a one-time gift or ongoing monthly support, we greatly appreciate your generosity.

Learn More?

Have questions or want to learn more about this ministry? Just reach out here or give us a call and we will respond within 48 business hours.