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We equip inmates to live
Christ-centered lives for life.

Call To Salvation

The inmates we serve come from backgrounds of abject poverty. They struggle just to help their families survive. They turn to drugs, alcohol and domestic violence as a means to deal with this life of desperation. This is why hearing and receiving the Good News of God’s plan of salvation for them is a life-changing beginning for their new life in Christ.

Discipleship & Growth

Discipleship/ Growth

Many inmates will return to a rehab center within a short period of time after they have been released. This is why our ministry equips and disciples inmates to learn to live a Christ-centered life beyond the walls of the rehab center. We come alongside them to encourage and support them to remain in Christ as they re-enter real life again.

Beyond Discipleship

We plant the seeds of truth from God’s Word in the hearts and minds of the inmates. It is our hope that after inmates leave the rehab center their broken family relationships will be restored. That they will find a church community where they belong and thrive. And that they will positively impact the community to which they return.

Show Your Support

We need your help to reach as many rehab centers as possible in Mexico. To accomplish this, we rely on donor giving.
Your giving supports expenses related to travel, curriculum & teaching and ongoing inmate support after they leave the rehab centers.
Whether you provide a one-time gift or ongoing monthly support, we greatly appreciate your generosity.

We need your help to reach as many rehab centers as possible in Mexico. To accomplish this, we rely on donor giving. Your giving supports expenses related to travel, curriculum & teaching and ongoing inmate support after they leave the rehab centers. Whether you provide a one-time gift or ongoing monthly support, we greatly appreciate your generosity.

Learn More?

Have questions or want to learn more about this ministry? Just reach out here or give us a call and we will respond within 48 business hours.